Associate of Science (AS), Christian Leadership

Leadership is facilitating God-designed growth in the people and organizations in our sphere of influence. The Christian Leadership (A.S.) program is designed to lay the foundation for a lifetime of effective biblical leadership in the personal and professional life of the student.

Students who complete this degree program will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate core skills to engage and interpret the Bible accurately as the foundational source of truth for life and leadership.
  2. Exercise leadership that encourages and facilitates collaborative learning at all levels of the organization.
  3. Apply a solid understanding of organizations that creates and maintains a productive community of growth-oriented learners.
  4. Develop comprehensive strategies using skills in evaluation, adaptation, and integration of new and existing strategies for the efficient and effective pursuit of organizational goals.
  5. Recruit, develop, and mobilize staff and volunteers as effective teams.

All courses are transferrable into the Bachelor of Science in Christian Leadership program.

Total Program Hours: 60 Credit Hours

Bible Core (15 Credit Hours)

Arts & Sciences Core (15 Credit Hours)

Ministry Leadership Foundations (12 Credit Hours)

Professional Ministry Core (18 Credit Hours)