Leadership is facilitating God-designed growth in the people and organizations in our sphere of influence. The Christian Leadership (A.S.) program is designed to lay the foundation for a lifetime of effective biblical leadership in the personal and professional life of the student.
Students who complete this degree program will be able to:
- Demonstrate core skills to engage and interpret the Bible accurately as the foundational source of truth for life and leadership.
- Exercise leadership that encourages and facilitates collaborative learning at all levels of the organization.
- Apply a solid understanding of organizations that creates and maintains a productive community of growth-oriented learners.
- Develop comprehensive strategies using skills in evaluation, adaptation, and integration of new and existing strategies for the efficient and effective pursuit of organizational goals.
- Recruit, develop, and mobilize staff and volunteers as effective teams.
All courses are transferrable into the Bachelor of Science in Christian Leadership program.
Total Program Hours: 60 Credit Hours
Bible Core (15 Credit Hours)
- BIB100 Principles of Bible Study
- BIB110 Bible Survey
- THE120 Foundations for Christian Living
- Select two (2) additional courses — 6 credits — from our Bible & Theology offerings.
Arts & Sciences Core (15 Credit Hours)
- PHI110 Foundations of Worldviews
- ENC100 Fundamentals of Written Communication
- Select three (3) additional courses — 9 credits — from our Arts & Sciences offerings.
Ministry Leadership Foundations (12 Credit Hours)
- LDR301 Foundations of Leadership
- MIN311 Personal Life of the Ministry Leader
- MIN312 Family Life of the Ministry Leader
- MIN320 Effective Bible Teaching
Professional Ministry Core (18 Credit Hours)
- MIN401 Dynamics of Discipleship
- MIN402 Introduction to Impact Ministry Leadership
- MIN403 Principles of Strategic Thinking
- MIN404 Developing Dynamic Teams
- MIN408 Organizational Communication
- Select one (1) additional course — 3 credits — from our LDR or MIN course offerings.