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Build a powerful applied toolbox for Gospel-driven development of people and ministries from potential to their eternal Kingdom purpose.
MIN311 Personal Life of the Ministry Leader
This course explores the core values that drive the healthy personal life that is foundational for effective ministry leadership. It will address issues of life purpose, priorities, time management, spiritual disciplines and healthy relationships. Students will be given opportunity to evaluate themselves and to develop a plan for personal character development.
MIN312 Family Life of the Ministry Leader
This course teaches that a ministry leader must first exercise leadership at home. This course is designed to lead students in considering biblical principles concerning the family, especially those regarding God's expectations for the ministry leader. Students will be coached in formulating approaches for carrying out their own responsibilities and for helping others understand and pursue godly relationships in their homes.
MIN320 Effective Bible Teaching
This course is a study of methods and skills of teaching and learning as applied to Bible teaching. Not just a pedagogy class, its emphasis will be on observing and applying methods and strategies in the student's life and work.
MIN401 Dynamics of Discipleship
The core of ministry leadership is shepherding individuals toward God, helping them grow in their faith, and mobilizing them as productive parts of the body of Christ. This course is designed to introduce students to concepts of spiritual development, a biblical understanding of what it takes to be a shepherd, and approaches for fostering people of various age groups through each stage of growth.
MIN402 Introduction to Impact Ministry Leadership
This course is designed to train students in the effective use of impact ministry environments and dynamics, as tools for introducing others to a growing, intimate relationship with God. While the focus is on active learning environments, this is a leadership course. The skills that are introduced are skills that are highly transferable into any environment. Students will acquire tools that will help them increase their effectiveness in moving people toward God.