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Bachelor of Science (BS), Christian Leadership

The purpose of ACU’s BS Christian Leadership program is to develop the core character and capacity to lead an organization that is...

Bachelor of Science (BS), Christian Leadership: International Crisis Response

Be ready to respond with love, hope, and physical aid, deploying in hard-to-reach areas. The International Crisis Response (B.S.) program...

COM101 Speech Communication

This course is designed as a practice-oriented introduction to public speaking, as well as small group, and interpersonal communications skills. Attention is given to the fundamental processing of ideas, organization of materials, and group dynamics, along with the use of the voice, articulation, and body expression. Emphasis will be given to the delivery of prepared messages in various settings, with various audiences, and in various formats.

COM150 Small Group Communication

Focuses on the principles and dynamics of communication within small groups, emphasizing leadership, conflict resolution, decision-making, and group cohesiveness.

COM225 Interpersonal and Group Communication

This course is designed to develop the student's understanding of what culture is and how communication occurs within it, and to increase sensitivity to and understanding of intercultural differences and similarities. This awareness will lead to more effective communication by helping the student build an effective approach to communicating in intercultural settings, including those where language barriers may exist. A focus will be placed on the many elements and processes involved in the sending and receiving of messages within intercultural contexts.