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FIN131 Personal Finance

Students will develop an understanding of personal finance concepts from a biblical worldview. Topics will include saving, personal budgeting, debt, purchasing decisions, insurance, investments, retirement and college planning, career choices, real estate and mortgages and generosity. Students will apply these concepts to their current and future personal financial situations as a foundation for effective lifelong stewardship.

FIN406 Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations

Financial resources are the lifeblood of nonprofit organizations. This course is a survey of principles, skills and disciplines necessary to build and nurture a healthy and sustainable financial ecosystem that mobilizes a nonprofit for its declared purpose.

LDR506 Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations

Prudent planning and management of organizational finances is essential to continued success. Financial management challenges in the non-profit organization include planning, fundraising, marketing, oversight, and accountability. Students interact with all aspects of their organization's finances to gain proficiency in the rudiments of financial oversight.