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LDR504 Developing Dynamic Teams
Organizations are increasingly realizing the need for a team orientation, yet, despite the rhetoric, there remain significant cultural impediments to team development and maintenance. This course leads students in an application of group and team theory for recruiting, developing, mobilizing, and mending teams of employees and volunteers for maximum effectiveness.
LDR505 Governance & Admin of Nonprofit Organizations
Leadership of a non-profit organization presents unique challenges, limitations, and advantages. This course exposes students to theories of governance and administration with a view to helping them interact effectively with all levels of an organization from any position within that organization.
LDR506 Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations
Prudent planning and management of organizational finances is essential to continued success. Financial management challenges in the non-profit organization include planning, fundraising, marketing, oversight, and accountability. Students interact with all aspects of their organization's finances to gain proficiency in the rudiments of financial oversight.
LDR507 Risk Management of Nonprofit Organizations
This course is designed to familiarize students with current law and industry standards according to which liability is determined. Students will also examine accreditation agencies and processes, and the development of sound risk management policy.
LDR508 Organizational Communication
This course is designed to develop students' skills in managing organizational behavior through the leveraging of effective communicative processes. It will provide them with a solid grounding in theories and strategies of organizational communication relevant to their experiences, real-life professional settings, and potential situations.