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Social Science

GLS150 Social Problems

This course examines social issues such as poverty, inequality, and crime, and their impact on individuals and societies, as well as solutions to these problems.

GLS210 Survey of Global Issues

A study of global issues and challenges such as crime, pollution, war, poverty, drug addiction and racial tensions, with a focus on researching the historical roots and modern implications of an issue.

GLS220 World Religions

Religion as an effort to make sense of a chaotic world and to shape it into something predictable and manageable, has been around in many and widely varied forms since the earliest times in human history. This course is intended to help students explore human religiosity by engaging with current religious traditions, in terms of their histories, cultural contexts, and varied expressions, all with the goal of developing the ability to understand, engage, and effectively carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a highly diverse and constantly changing world.

PHI100 Introduction to Philosophy

This course is designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental issues of philosophy through the study of its basic terminology and concepts, as well as the philosophers, philosophical movements, and problems that have shaped the Western world. It also serves as an introduction to critical thinking and philosophical reflection. Time will be given to the philosophical development of a personal worldview, examining how various factors affect one's views of the major academic disciplines and their application to contemporary issues and science.

PHI110 Foundations of Worldviews

This course will survey modern worldviews through the lenses of history, philosophy, religion, and popular culture over the centuries and evaluate their impact on the modern Christian worldview using the primary lens of Scripture for critical evaluation. Students will examine the nature and function of belief structures, then build a personal worldview from a biblical foundation.